Package pywikipedia :: Module wiktionary :: Class Term
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Class Term

Known Subclasses:
Adjective, Noun

This is a superclass for terms.
Method Summary
  __init__(self, lang, term, relatedwords)
Documenting as an afterthought is a bad idea I don't know anymore why I added this, but I'm pretty sure it was in response to an error message
  setLang(self, lang)
  setTerm(self, term)
  showcontents(self, indentation)
Prints the contents of this Term.
  wikiwrapasexample(self, wikilang)
Returns a string with the gender in a format ready for Wiktionary, if it is applicable
  wikiwrapastranslation(self, wikilang)
Returns a string with this term as a link followed by the gender in a format ready for Wiktionary
  wikiwrapforlist(self, wikilang)
Returns a string with this term as a link followed by the gender in a format ready for Wiktionary
  wikiwrapgender(self, wikilang)
Returns a string with the gender in a format ready for Wiktionary, if it is applicable

Method Details

__init__(self, lang, term, relatedwords=[])

Generally called with two parameters:
- The language of the term
- The term (string)

- relatedwords (list of Term objects) is optional

(Indexing operator)

Documenting as an afterthought is a bad idea I don't know anymore why I added this, but I'm pretty sure it was in response to an error message

showcontents(self, indentation)

Prints the contents of this Term. Every subobject is indented a little further on the screen. The primary purpose is to help keep your sanity while debugging.

wikiwrapasexample(self, wikilang)

Returns a string with the gender in a format ready for Wiktionary, if it is applicable

wikiwrapastranslation(self, wikilang)

Returns a string with this term as a link followed by the gender in a format ready for Wiktionary

wikiwrapforlist(self, wikilang)

Returns a string with this term as a link followed by the gender in a format ready for Wiktionary

wikiwrapgender(self, wikilang)

Returns a string with the gender in a format ready for Wiktionary, if it is applicable

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Sun Jul 03 17:07:34 2005