Package pywikipedia :: Module table2wiki :: Class Table2WikiRobot
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Class Table2WikiRobot

Method Summary
  __init__(self, generator, debug, quietMode)
  convertAllHTMLTables(self, text)
Converts all HTML tables in text to wiki syntax.
  convertTable(self, table)
Converts an HTML table to wiki syntax.
  findTable(self, text)
Finds an HTML table (which can contain nested tables) inside a text.
  treat(self, pl)
Loads a page, converts all HTML tables in its text to wiki syntax, and saves the converted text.

Method Details

convertAllHTMLTables(self, text)

Converts all HTML tables in text to wiki syntax. Returns the converted text, the number of converted tables and the number of warnings that occured.

convertTable(self, table)

Converts an HTML table to wiki syntax. If the table already is a wiki table or contains a nested wiki table, tries to beautify it. Returns the converted table, the number of warnings that occured and a list containing these warnings.

Hint: if you give an entire page text as a parameter instead of a table only, this function will convert all HTML tables and will also try to beautify all wiki tables already contained in the text.

findTable(self, text)

Finds an HTML table (which can contain nested tables) inside a text. Returns the table and the start and end position inside the text.

treat(self, pl)

Loads a page, converts all HTML tables in its text to wiki syntax, and saves the converted text. Returns True if the converted table was successfully saved, otherwise returns False.

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Sun Jul 03 17:07:35 2005