Package pywikipedia :: Module makecat
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Module pywikipedia.makecat

This bot takes as its argument (or, if no argument is given, asks for it), the
name of a new or existing category. It will then try to find new articles for
this category (pages linked to and from pages already in the category), asking
the user which pages to include and which not.

   -nodates  automatically skip all pages that are years or dates (years
             only work AD, dates only for certain languages)
   -forward  only check pages linked from pages already in the category,
             not pages linking to them. Is less precise but quite a bit

When running the bot, you will get one by one a number by pages. You can
Y(es) - include the page
N(o) - do not include the page or
I(gnore) - do not include the page, but if you meet it again, ask again.
X - add the page, but do not check links to and from it
Other possiblities:
A(dd) - add another page, which may have been one that was included before
C(heck) - check links to and from the page, but do not add the page itself
R(emove) - remove a page that is already in the list
L(ist) - show current list of pages to include or to check

Function Summary
  exclude(pl, real_exclude)
  include(pl, checklinks, realinclude, linkterm)
returns true iff s is a date or year

Imported modules:
pywikipedia.catlib, codecs,, re, sys, pywikipedia.wikipedia
Imported variables:
checkbackward, checked, checkforward, msg, skipdates, tocheck, workingcatname
Function Details


returns true iff s is a date or year

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Sun Jul 03 17:07:35 2005