Package pywikipedia :: Module WdTXMLParser :: Class WdTXMLParser
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Class WdTXMLParser

ContentHandler --+

Method Summary
  characters(self, characters)
Receive notification of the end of a document.
  endElement(self, name)
Signals the end of an element in non-namespace mode.
Receive notification of the beginning of a document.
  startElement(self, name, attrs)
Signals the start of an element in non-namespace mode.
    Inherited from ContentHandler
  endElementNS(self, name, qname)
Signals the end of an element in namespace mode.
  endPrefixMapping(self, prefix)
End the scope of a prefix-URI mapping.
  ignorableWhitespace(self, whitespace)
Receive notification of ignorable whitespace in element content.
  processingInstruction(self, target, data)
Receive notification of a processing instruction.
  setDocumentLocator(self, locator)
Called by the parser to give the application a locator for locating the origin of document events.
  skippedEntity(self, name)
Receive notification of a skipped entity.
  startElementNS(self, name, qname, attrs)
Signals the start of an element in namespace mode.
  startPrefixMapping(self, prefix, uri)
Begin the scope of a prefix-URI Namespace mapping.

Method Details


Receive notification of the end of a document.

The SAX parser will invoke this method only once, and it will be the last method invoked during the parse. The parser shall not invoke this method until it has either abandoned parsing (because of an unrecoverable error) or reached the end of input.
xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler.endDocument (inherited documentation)

endElement(self, name)

Signals the end of an element in non-namespace mode.

The name parameter contains the name of the element type, just as with the startElement event.
xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler.endElement (inherited documentation)


Receive notification of the beginning of a document.

The SAX parser will invoke this method only once, before any other methods in this interface or in DTDHandler (except for setDocumentLocator).
xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler.startDocument (inherited documentation)

startElement(self, name, attrs)

Signals the start of an element in non-namespace mode.

The name parameter contains the raw XML 1.0 name of the element type as a string and the attrs parameter holds an instance of the Attributes class containing the attributes of the element.
xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler.startElement (inherited documentation)

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Sun Jul 03 17:07:38 2005