Package pywikipedia
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Package pywikipedia

The Python Wikipedia Robot Framework is a set of bots to do things on Wikipedia or other
Mediawiki projects. It has been written by several people using the language Python.

license: Python Software Foundation
copyright: (C) 2003 Rob W.W. Hooft.

Operating System:
    All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP),
    All POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes)

Contributors see

  • brackethttp: Script to correct URLs like ( to [] to have correct generation of links in Wikipedia
  • catall: Add or change categories on a number of pages.
  • category: Scripts to manage categories.
  • catlib: Library to work with category pages on Wikipedia
  • check_extern: This bot is used for checking external links from Wikipedia.
  • config
  • copy_table: Script to copy a table from one Wikipedia to another one, translating it on-the-fly.
  • date: This file is not runnable, but it only consists of various lists which are required by some other programs.
  • editarticle
  • extract_names: Script to extract all wiki page names a certain HTML file points to
  • extract_wikilinks: Script to extract all wiki page names a certain HTML file points to in interwiki-link format The output can be used as input to
  • family
  • find: This bot seeks of information.
  • followlive
  • getimages: Script to transfer many images from one wiki to another.
  • gui: A window with a unicode textfield where the user can e.g.
  • imageharvest: Bot for getting multiple images from an external site.
  • imagetransfer: Script to find images on a subject on another wikipedia and copy them to WikiCommons.
  • interwiki: Script to check language links for general pages.
  • lib_images: Library with functions needed for image treatment
  • login: Script to log the robot in to a wikipedia account.
  • makecat: This bot takes as its argument (or, if no argument is given, asks for it), the name of a new or existing category.
  • mediawiki_messages: Allows access to the MediaWiki messages, that's the label texts of the MediaWiki software in the current language.
  • pagefromfile: This bot takes its input from a file that contains a number of pages to be put on the wiki.
  • pagegenerators
  • redirect: Script to resolve double redirects, and to delete broken redirects.
  • replace: This bot will make direct text replacements.
  • saveHTML: This bot downloads the HTML-pages of articles and images and saves the interesting parts, i.e.
  • solve_disambiguation: Script to help a human solve disambiguations by presenting a set of options.
  • spellcheck: This bot spellchecks Wikipedia pages.
  • splitwarning: Splits a interwiki.log file into chunks of warnings separated by language
  • sqldump: Reads a cur SQL dump and offers a generator over SQLentry objects which can be used by other bots.
  • standardize_interwiki: Loop over all pages in the home wiki, standardizing the interwiki links.
  • table2wiki: Nifty script to convert HTML-tables to Wikipedia's syntax.
  • template: Very simple script to replace a template with another one, and to convert the old MediaWiki boilerplate format to the new template format.
  • titletranslate
  • touch: This bot goes over multiple pages of the home wiki, and edits them without changing.
  • translator: This module translates a string from one language to another, using translations given in a hard-coded dictionary.
  • upload: Script to upload images to wikipedia.
  • vertexgen
  • warnfile: A robot to implement backlinks from a interwiki.log file without checking them against the live wikipedia.
  • watchlist: Allows access to the bot account's watchlist.
  • WdT: This bot consists of and and imports XML-files into Wikipedia.
  • WdTXMLParser
  • weblinkchecker: This bot is used for checking external links found at the wiki.
  • wikipedia: Library to get and put pages on a MediaWiki.
  • wiktionary
  • windows_chars: Script to replace bad Windows-1252 (cp1252) characters with HTML entities on ISO 8859-1 wikis.

Imported modules:
pywikipedia.brackethttp, pywikipedia.catall, pywikipedia.category, pywikipedia.catlib, pywikipedia.check_extern, pywikipedia.config, pywikipedia.copy_table,, pywikipedia.editarticle, pywikipedia.extract_names, pywikipedia.extract_wikilinks,, pywikipedia.find, pywikipedia.followlive, pywikipedia.getimages, pywikipedia.gui, pywikipedia.imageharvest, pywikipedia.imagetransfer, pywikipedia.interwiki, pywikipedia.lib_images, pywikipedia.login, pywikipedia.makecat, pywikipedia.mediawiki_messages, pywikipedia.pagefromfile, pywikipedia.pagegenerators, pywikipedia.redirect, pywikipedia.replace, pywikipedia.saveHTML, pywikipedia.solve_disambiguation, pywikipedia.spellcheck, pywikipedia.splitwarning, pywikipedia.sqldump, pywikipedia.standardize_interwiki, pywikipedia.table2wiki, pywikipedia.template, pywikipedia.titletranslate, pywikipedia.touch, pywikipedia.translator, pywikipedia.upload, pywikipedia.vertexgen, pywikipedia.warnfile, pywikipedia.watchlist, pywikipedia.WdT, pywikipedia.WdTXMLParser, pywikipedia.weblinkchecker, pywikipedia.wikipedia, pywikipedia.wiktionary, pywikipedia.windows_chars
Imported variables:
__author__, __license__, __url__, __version__
Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Sun Jul 03 17:07:33 2005